Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nostalgic: Jimmy Eat World- Bleed American

Jimmy Eat World (or JEW to their fans), is one of the first indie/emo bands to break out main stream. It wasn’t until there 4th cd when they broke out huge with their cd Bleed American (or Jimmy Ear World after 9/11). It was something big and loud at the time, and something fresh, it was the right blend of the underground music that was that was making a huge up rise, with a blend of the main stream music that was getting played on every day on TRL (back when MTV did still play music). The cd opens with the title track Bleed American, it’s one of those songs that really gabs you by the collar, and makes you listen. It’s edgy, and at a live show even if they were the opening band. The song will wake you up. Just like any live show the next song is something were you would introduce yourselves, and that brings me to A Praise Chorus. It’s a song were I believe Jimmy Eat World says now that we woke you up, this is what we really sound like, it’s also where you can start to see Jim (yes the lead singer is named Jim) humanize with himself witch is a great blend of harmony and voice work. The Middle, the song that broke them out into superstardom. This is the perfect single. Honestly if this song came out today I would break out my iPhone and use the shazam app to found out who this band is (it also helps that the video was hot). It’s really hard to describe this song and just how wonder and great it is, and I think it was also great that every radio station played this song. Even county cover bands played this song. I think it was also great that it was a summer song, it made you want to have a great time. Skipping to their next single was Sweetness. Sweetness also topped the radio charts for months on end. It also showed that they had some staying power.  The fact that, they were just more than a one hit wonder (which was almost a trend around that time). Then comes along a song called Here You Me. This song is about Mykel and Carli Allen, the women who ran the Weezer fan club. They died in a car accident driving back from a Weezer concert. They would often look for up and coming bands and would give them a place to stay. The line, "There's no one in town I know, you gave us some place to go" is talking about how when they would be in town for a concert and didn't know anyone, they stayed with Mykel and Carli, who gave them a place to stay. This Song is still played at almost every JEW show, and it can still bring a tear some someone’s eyes. The last song I want to point out is My Sundown. JEW has kind of a tradition to have epic closing on their albums. It just a nice quiet song with harmonies (with Rachel Haden who also sang on Here You Me) and an acoustic guitar. I think it’s a great closer and a wonderful way to close out an epic album (though I always still wonder about the out of sync drum in the back round).  I think this is a great album that anyone of any music fan could like, and get in to. It has that fresh and new sound to it. I still till this day love this album, and it’s one of my top 10 favorite albums that I have ever bought. The year is now 2011, and 3 albums later JEW still holds up the test of time as one of the best break out bands ever of the music I listen too, and I hope that I still love JEW 10 years from now as I did back then in 2001 when I first discovered Jimmy Eat World.

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